Best Postgraduate Paper at IPHS Conference

IPHS awards a prize for the best postgraduate planning history paper presented at the IPHS biennial international conference. To be eligible for the award:

  1. papers must focus on planning history, be authored only by a postgraduate candidate (papers co-authored with a supervisor or another candidate will not be considered), and be accepted for presentation at the IPHS international IPHS conference.
  2. the author must be enrolled currently at postgraduate level, either for a Master’s thesis by coursework or by research or for a doctorate, and must register for and attend the conference.

The recipient will receive free conference registration for the IPHS international conference, a monetary award of £100 and a certificate. Their paper will be published in the IPHS Section of Planning Perspectives.

The conference convenor identifies eligible papers for the award.

Best Postgraduate Paper Prize Committee

  • Chair: Professor Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, FMV Işık University, Turkey
  • Prof Dirk Schubert, HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Germany
  • Prof Renato Rego (TBC), Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Brazil

Awarded papers


Jana Bressler, ‘Protecting the historical city – urban regeneration in Eastern Germany during the 1990s as a starting point for a sustainable urban development

The richly illustrated paper focuses on preserving urban heritage as part of the urban regeneration of Eastern German cities. It explores the effects of the exchanges of technical knowledge and experts between GDR and FRG following the fall of the Berlin wall and the opening of the border in 1989. The paper is based on primary sources (interviews), and archive research. Details about the interviews are desirable; they would make the text even more interesting (ex.: who the interviewees were, where they came from, etc.). Even so, the text has an adequate structure and a clear argument demonstrated by coherent analysis.


No award – 2020 conference cancelled.


Best postgraduate student paper presented at the 2018 Yokohama conference:

Pullan, Nicola. ‘Temporary dwellings as successful informal suburban development: the case of Sydney 1945 to 1960’.

This paper surveys the informal urban development as it played out in the outer suburbs of metropolitan Sydney, highlights a uniquely Australian story, and compares this with international instances. The paper analyses an unusual topic in a country and city where an established planning law and building regulations based on the British tradition exist. It includes good illustrations and an interesting bibliography, where next to the “classics”, other sources are discovered. Looking from a global point of view to the discussion of formal-informal, and legal-semi-legal-illegal, this is an often a neglected perspective of urban planning history. The panel concluded that the paper has an excellent structure and a very clear argument demonstrated by consistent analysis. Moreover, the research question based on this topic is strong and formulated competently. (From the committee’s report)


Best postgraduate student paper presented at the 2016 Delft conference:

Eom, Sujin. ‘The Mayor Conference Project: The Making of the Modern City During the Cold War’.


Best postgraduate student paper presented at the 2014 St. Augustine conference:

Bender, Helena. ‘Buenos Aires and the Modern City through Antonio Bonet Castellana’s Urban Proposal: the Plan for Barrio Sur, 1956’. (Published in Planning Perspectives, 30 (3), 2015, 447-462).


Best postgraduate student paper presented at the 2012 São Paulo conference:

Levy, Aiala. ‘Stages of a State: From São Paulo’s Teatro São José to the Teatro Municipal, 1854 – 1911’. (Published in Planning Perspectives, 28 (3), 2013, 461-475). 


Best postgraduate student paper presented at the 2010 Istanbul conference:

Omolo-Okalebo, Frederick. ‘Two Cities in One: The Genesis, Planning and Transformation of Kampala City, 1903-1968’.


Best postgraduate student paper presented at the 2008 Chicago conference:

James, Ryan. ‘From “Slum Clearance” to “Revitalization”: Planning, Expertise, and Moral Regulation in Toronto’s Regent Park’.


Best postgraduate student paper presented at the 2006 New Delhi conference:

Urushima, Andrea Yuri Flores. ‘Uzo Nishiyama’s Proposals for a Planned Urban Expansion of Japanese Cities.’


Best postgraduate student paper presented at the 2004 Barcelona conference:

Short, Michael. ‘Regulating the Impact of Proposals for New Tall Buildings on the Built Heritage‘.