
IPHS Prizes and Awards

IPHS endeavours to foster the study of planning history worldwide. It seeks to advance scholarship in the fields of urbanism, history, planning and the environment, focusing particularly on cities from the late nineteenth century. Scholars around the world have contributed important books, articles and digital projects on planning history. IPHS celebrates this research through a number of awards and prizes in line with its mission to foster the study of international planning history. Through these recognitions it also celebrates the legacy of key (founding) members, Peter Hall, Tony Sutcliffe, and other inspirational figures. The prizes and awards recognize both senior and junior scholars and we encourage colleagues to widely spread the call for submissions and to apply.

IPHS offers prizes and awards normally at its biennial international conferences.

We are now calling for submissions for the round of the 20th IPHS Conference 2024, which is going to be held in 2-5 July 2024, Hong Kong. The deadline for submissions is 15 December 2023.

Sir Peter Hall Award for Lifetime Achievement in Planning History

The Peter Hall Award is the most prestigious prize awarded by the IPHS. It recognizes sustained excellence for a body of published work that has made an outstanding contribution to international scholarship and conveyed the relevance of planning history to contemporary planning challenges.

IPHS Book Prizes

IPHS offers three book prizes at the Society’s biennial conference. Nominations for the IPHS book prizes are invited from scholars and from publishers for books (in English) published in the two calendar years before the IPHS international conference. 

Planning Perspectives Prize

The Planning Perspectives Prize is awarded for the best paper published in Planning Perspectives during the two calendar years before the IPHS international conference on the judgement of the editorial team. The recipient receives a monetary prize awarded by Taylor&Francis and a certificate.

Best Postgraduate Paper at IPHS Conference

IPHS awards the best Postgraduate Planning History Paper presented at an IPHS conference. Papers must be sole authored by the postgraduate student and entrants must register and attend the conference. Students enrolled in a master degree by coursework or research or in a doctorate are eligible for the award.

 Anthony Sutcliffe Dissertation Award

The best dissertation in the field of planning history written in English and completed during the two years preceding the IPHS international conference. There is no restriction on topic, but submissions that most directly and innovatively address the internationalism of the modern planning movement, in line with much of Sutcliffe’s work, are especially welcome.

East Asia Planning History Prize

The aim of this Prize is to encourage young scholars of East Asia to engage in planning history and to publish their work in English. It is also meant to expand IPHS membership in East Asia. East Asia here includes ‘Eastern Asia’ and ‘South-eastern Asia’ defined by the United Nations Statistic Division.

Koos Bosma Prize in Planning History Innovation

The Koos Bosma Prize recognizes the authors of books (monographs or edited volumes), major articles or other academic contributions (including innovation in the digital field) developed by single authors or groups, which question accepted views and break away from the standard histories, expanding and modifying planning history, and enhancing its critical potential. We welcome submissions of outstanding innovative research in the field of planning history, published or developed in the two calendar years before the IPHS international conference.

IPHS Professional Commendation Award

The IPHS Executive introduces a new award. This recognises distinguished professional contributions to the field of planning history to complement the major focus of most awards on academic research excellence. ‘Professional’ contributions are taken to mean services related to a variety of engagement roles: entrepreneurial, enabling, journalism, archival, and other logistical and supportive roles materially contributing to the international advancement of planning history. The range of activities could include exhibitions, publishing, heritage conservation, policy development, and promotion beyond academic audiences. These may relate to particular initiatives and events or be sustained over a period of time.

Awards of the IPHS: 2022 Recipients

Awards of the IPHS: 2020 Recipients

Awards of the IPHS: A History